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Friday, January 3, 2020

Different Types of Dysplasia and Accompanying Symptoms

Dysplasia is an abnormal cell or tissue development, but not necessarily cancerous. Dysplasia can also be interpreted as a stage of cell development that is in between healthy cells and cancer cells. The condition of cells can only be known through microscopic examination in a laboratory. Abnormal cells in dysplasia have more numbers than healthy cells. Cell growth in this phase is also very fast, irregular, and can occur in any part of the body. If not treated properly, dysplasia can continue to develop and become cancerous. Therefore, dysplasia is also known as a precancerous condition. In general, dysplasia is divided into two types, namely mild dysplasia (low-grade) and severe dysplasia (high-grade). In mild dysplasia, cell growth is relatively slow and the risk of changing abnormal cells into cancer is also small. Whereas in severe dysplasia, abnormal cell growth is very fast and the risk of turning into cancer.

Dysplasia Based on Growth Locations

Based on the location of its growth, the type of dysplasia is also very diverse. Of the many dysplasias, there are several types of dysplasia that most often occur, including:
  • Cervical dysplasia

  • This abnormal cell growth occurs around the cervix or cervix. Cervical dysplasia rarely causes symptoms and is generally only known when doing regular pap smears. This condition is caused by infection with human papillomavirus (HPV) which is transmitted through sexual contact. Women under 30 years are more at risk of cervical dysplasia. In addition, there are several other factors that can increase the risk of cervical dysplasia, including having underage sex, changing partners frequently, and having unprotected sex.
  • Fibrous dysplasia

  • This condition causes the growth of a kind of scar tissue in the bones in children and adults. Fibrous dysplasia commonly occurs in the bones of the skull, pelvis, ribs, thighs, shin, and upper arm bones. This condition is characterized by several symptoms, such as:
  • The bones hurt
  • Swelling
  • Curved or bent limbs
  • The bones weaken and break easily, especially the bones of the arms and legs.
  • Digestive tract dysplasia

  • Digestive dysplasia is very dangerous because it has a high risk of turning into cancer. Dysplasia in the digestive tract can attack several organs, including the stomach, intestines, or liver. This condition generally does not cause symptoms. There are several factors that can increase the risk of dysplasia in the digestive tract, including:
  • Long-term gastric inflammation
  • Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection
  • Cell shape changes occur in the stomach
  • Anemic
  • Myelodysplasia syndrome

  • This condition causes interference with the formation of blood cells. Patients with myelodisplasia syndrome are at risk of experiencing a number of complications, one of which is leukemia or blood cancer. Myelodysplasia syndrome is usually characterized by several symptoms, such as:
  • Shortness of breath and the body feels weak
  • Red spots appear under the skin
  • Frequent infections due to low white blood cells
  • The body looks pale due to lack of red blood cells (anemia)
  • Bruises on the body and bleed easily due to low platelets
  • Fibromuscular dysplasia

  • This condition causes narrowing or dilation of arteries, especially arteries that lead to the kidneys. Symptoms of fibromuscular dysplasia are high blood pressure, tissue damage in the kidney, to the most fatal is chronic kidney failure. Fibromuscular dysplasia tends to be mild and the risk of developing into cancer is very small. Even so, this condition can cause a number of complications, such as aortic dissection, or stroke.
It is recommended that you see a doctor immediately if you experience some of the symptoms of dysplasia as described above. That way, doctors can detect abnormal cell growth while providing appropriate treatment. Early detection of dysplasia will help you to avoid yourself from the risk of cancer.


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